Have you forgotten application name that heard from friends, seen at web site and various situation?
"Market Bookmark" helps it!
Market Bookmark composes app name, and create link to Market.
If language of your phone is NOT English or Japanese, this app cannot get application name.
And, Market Bookmark will exit automatically when the App list is empty.
[What can do?]
1. Save below information.
- Application name
- Application package name
- URL to Market
- Labels(Multiple labels can save with comma or space-delimited)
2. View the list of saved Apps.
3. Remove the saved Apps from list.
4. Sort by App name or App package name.
5. Filtering by label.
6. Share to other app.
7. Import/Export Apps info.
[How to use?]
1. Search some App in Market from your phone.
2. Tap the "Share" button.
3. Select "Market Bookmark".
4. Then the detail of App will be displayed, you can save App information when you tap "Add" button.
5. All feature can use from pushing menu button.
This App implements that access to "market.android.com" to acquire the App name when receive the intent.
In the future, we have possibilities that we cannot acquire App name by changes to the specification of "market.android.com".
Therefore, App name will be empty when fail to acquire App name. This is due to network error, so back to Market App and retry!
[Uses permission]
- Access to the internet: To acquire the application name.
- Read/Write external storage: To import/export apps info.
Apakah Anda lupa nama aplikasi yang mendengar dari teman-teman, dilihat di situs web dan berbagai situasi?
"Pasar Bookmark" membantu itu!
Pasar Bookmark menyusun nama aplikasi, dan membuat link ke Market.
Jika bahasa dari ponsel anda tidak ada bahasa Inggris atau Jepang, aplikasi ini tidak bisa mendapatkan nama aplikasi.
Dan, Pasar Bookmark akan keluar secara otomatis ketika daftar App kosong.
[Apa yang bisa dilakukan?]
1. Simpan informasi di bawah.
- Nama aplikasi
- Nama paket aplikasi
- URL ke Pasar
- Label (Beberapa label dapat menyimpan dengan comma atau dipisahkan oleh spasi)
2. Lihat daftar Apps disimpan.
3. Lepaskan Apps diselamatkan dari daftar.
4. Urutkan berdasarkan nama App atau App nama paket.
5. Penyaringan dengan label.
6. Berbagi ke aplikasi lainnya.
7. Info Impor / Ekspor Apps.
[Cara menggunakan?]
1. Cari beberapa App di Market dari ponsel Anda.
2. Tekan "Share" tombol.
3. Pilih "Pasar Bookmark".
4. Kemudian detail dari App akan ditampilkan, Anda dapat menyimpan informasi App ketika Anda menekan tombol "Add".
5. Semua fitur dapat digunakan dari menekan tombol menu.
App ini menerapkan bahwa akses ke "market.android.com" untuk mendapatkan nama App ketika menerima maksud.
Di masa depan, kita memiliki kemungkinan bahwa kita tidak dapat memperoleh nama App oleh perubahan spesifikasi "market.android.com".
Oleh karena itu, nama App akan kosong ketika gagal mendapatkan nama App. Hal ini karena kesalahan jaringan, sehingga kembali ke Pasar App dan coba lagi!
[Menggunakan izin]
- Akses ke internet: Untuk mendapatkan nama aplikasi.
- Baca / Tulis penyimpanan eksternal: Untuk mengimpor / ekspor apps informasi.
Have you forgotten application name that heard from friends, seen at web site and various situation?
"Market Bookmark" helps it!
Market Bookmark composes app name, and create link to Market.
If language of your phone is NOT English or Japanese, this app cannot get application name.
And, Market Bookmark will exit automatically when the App list is empty.
[What can do?]
1. Save below information.
- Application name
- Application package name
- URL to Market
- Labels(Multiple labels can save with comma or space-delimited)
2. View the list of saved Apps.
3. Remove the saved Apps from list.
4. Sort by App name or App package name.
5. Filtering by label.
6. Share to other app.
7. Import/Export Apps info.
[How to use?]
1. Search some App in Market from your phone.
2. Tap the "Share" button.
3. Select "Market Bookmark".
4. Then the detail of App will be displayed, you can save App information when you tap "Add" button.
5. All feature can use from pushing menu button.
This App implements that access to "market.android.com" to acquire the App name when receive the intent.
In the future, we have possibilities that we cannot acquire App name by changes to the specification of "market.android.com".
Therefore, App name will be empty when fail to acquire App name. This is due to network error, so back to Market App and retry!
[Uses permission]
- Access to the internet: To acquire the application name.
- Read/Write external storage: To import/export apps info.